
Audi Mmi Ipod Control Audi Mmi Ipod Cable


  • #1

Hi folks, a question on MMI delight for my new S3 8V FL saloon.

I'g trying to get my quondam 5th Gen Classic iPod (with a bicycle not a touchscreen) to work with the MMI but it wont exercise so with only the white Apple cablevision and 30 pin connector. Tin can someone please advise which Audi connector cable that I need if indeed in that location is one for this device?

Any help would be excellent cheers!


  • #2

Just copy your music from your iPod to a SD bill of fare or jukebox and play your music from that.

I used to have my iPod continued via this cable 'Audi Music Interface AMI MMI AUX Cablevision Adapter for iPod iPhone 4FO 051 510K'

Merely observe playing from the jukebox or SD carte ameliorate.


  • #3

Ok cheers I volition requite it a try equally it saves buying a special cable!


  • #5

I'm in Livingston nearly Edinburgh. Thanks for your recommendation. I am going to try the SD card thing first and encounter if that works.


  • #9

I have exactly the same set up equally yous, S3 8V FL Saloon with the aforementioned iPod Classic.
All y'all need is the charging cable plugged into the USB socket in the centre arm remainder.
Works perfectly via the steering wheel controls etc complete with anthology fine art on the screen.
The FL doesn't accept whatsoever of the one-time way sockets / cables of previous cars.

That'south weird then, why can't I become information technology to piece of work? So you don't use the silver curlicue cycle only the steering wheel controls. I'm going out to try that correct now!!!


  • #10

Nope not wanting to play!!!


  • #12

I gave up on the iPod and I don't feel like buying another newer version. And then I tried the SD card thought and stuck a few albums on a card from iTunes and hey presto it works....huzzah! Thanks for everyone's back up.


  • #14

Yes and the card is so much cheaper than having to purchase ane of these Audi special leads. Besides frees up more than infinite in the arm residual for stuff.


  • #nineteen

Its so simple fifty-fifty I managed it.

  • #24

Yes. I copied them from the itunes folder in albums across to my sd card. I accept a 64gb menu and it works a treat.

How-do-you-do, sad for picking upwards on this tardily but I have tried this and while the carte du jour works, it has missed out some music and only plays songs by artists in alphabetical club. I recollect this is an iTunes/user consequence. Which folder did you copy onto the card? Cheers

  • #26

Hi, distressing for picking upward on this late but I accept tried this and while the card works, information technology has missed out some music and just plays songs past artists in alphabetical society. I recall this is an iTunes/user consequence. Which folder did you copy onto the card? Thanks

Non sure what you mean merely are you saying you only accept a listing of songs in alphabetical club? I created a new folder for each artist and copied each album from iTunes direct into that folder. Easy to notice the artists and and so the album I want . Also couple of Playlist with various/artist songs created into a folder with playlist id heading. I also numbered those and they are always on the acme of MMI carte when i become to media rather than nether 'P'.

  • #28

I know what y'all mean - on a Mac with the selection ticked to keep iTunes folder organised information technology puts songs in folders co-ordinate to creative person, with compilations stored in a binder with that name and so in binder by album proper noun. Should be the same for PC I believe. Anyhow if you copy the iTunes Media folder to an SD card you'll have tracks sorted by artist.
I do it this mode only would actually prefer an iPod for the convenience of searching etc (though MMI interface isn't as good as others, my Smart Roadster has a Parrot in it where y'all tin say name of creative person or song and it finds information technology!) but some cretin stole 2 iPods (don't ask me why I had two!) out of my auto when I accidentally left it unlocked in Islington. And even my prescription driving glasses (though not my Ray Bans??!)

I'll try copying the iTunes media folder then. Afterward a couple of days of playing with the SD card there are all sorts of problems and spending days creating folders for each artist doesn't seem the correct thing to exercise. Searching with MMI is a little painful on the SD card. Had a 2011 Passat with a prissy secure ipod dock hidden above the glove box, easy to use no bug. Seems music has gone backwards. Does any of this work better with a newer ipod?

  • #29

Not sure what you lot mean simply are you maxim yous only have a listing of songs in alphabetical order? I created a new folder for each creative person and copied each album from iTunes direct into that folder. Like shooting fish in a barrel to find the artists and then the album I want . Also couple of Playlist with various/creative person songs created into a folder with playlist id heading. I as well numbered those and they are e'er on the tiptop of MMI menu when i go to media rather than under 'P'.

If I choose albums it is OK (apart from the fact there a lots of them missing and tracks missing) but if I play by artist it plays all songs by that artist in alphabetical gild as opposed to by anthology guild. I'm non sure I have the time or volition ability to become through the process of copying all the albums into new folders. I could be there a while.

  • #xxx

If I choose albums it is OK (apart from the fact there a lots of them missing and tracks missing) only if I play by artist information technology plays all songs by that artist in alphabetical social club every bit opposed to by album society. I'm not sure I have the fourth dimension or volition power to go through the process of copying all the albums into new folders. I could be at that place a while.

Putting the albums into folders was the simply way I could get all of the songs correctly on each album. I agree it is fourth dimension consuming but one time done it works well for me. Never could get on with the iPod attached by cable assuming you can find the right i, Red, White or yellow neckband. Hope you get it sorted though.

  • #35

I have just tried an erstwhile 8 gb classic connected with apple 30 pin lead into armrest USB of my 2019 A3. The music, track info and artwork all brandish and play OK on mine so peradventure you have a faulty lead?

Edit; Corrected ipod type

  • #38

Didn't know the archetype came in 8 GB (must be seriously old!) simply cheers, that's helpful, volition attempt a different atomic number 82

Looked again, mine is also a Nano bought in 2007! excuse of advancing years but credit to Audi that they tin still work in their cars without the usual drama over leads.
I call up it was not and so easy to get it to work in my B8 A4 which is why I got it originally.
Glad y'all got information technology sorted.


Audi Mmi Ipod Control Audi Mmi Ipod Cable

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